54hours, This last week was crazy, mostly because I spent all last weekend designing, coding, and making a business plan for our future startup, I have been asleep for only 3 hours in 3 days big thanks to redbull and what I liked the most is the intense creative atmosphere of Startup Weekend Algiers (#swa). So If you haven’t been to Startup Weekend, you should be next time because it’s the best place to meet people that have the same passions as you…One of the great things about Startup Weekend is the amount you can learn and friends you can make in a short time…
So I’ll write a few quick notes about what I’ve gotten out of it, and I will let the photos speak instead of my horrible english
thursday evening
the pitch: 34 participants, 1 minute for everyone, 11 were taken
Thirsday night:
the 11 teams started working on there projects, dinner was served, and all people were friendly.
Friday morning:
ahead of time most of teams were present and the hard work was started, the arrived of the coachs: Azouaou, Chala, Belehcen, nicolas, we all thankful for what they did BTW.
Friday night:
2 hours asleep, 2 bottles redbull, 5 cups of coffee, 3 cups tea, traditional dinner (rashta), a lot of fun, new friends, Radio chaine 3, Press interviews, stress, exhaustion…
Saturday :
Business plan, presentation, Coding, designing, preparing speech, the minister of communication, Echorouk news paper
5 minutes for every pitch and 5 minutes for questions, 9 teams before my presentation, verry stressed, hungry, tired all my thoughts were about sleeping
The winner is!!!
Our startup SEO Algeria was awarded the prize for the best startup at Startup Weekend Algiers. We are very happy about this, but most of all we are glad that we had an amazing weekend and ended up with an awesome product. After Startup Weekend we agreed that we’ll continue the work with SEO Algeria.
Celebrating the victory!!!
sooo happy, 1st place at the first Startup Week organized in Algeria, all the frustrations, hunger, weariness are gone…
Gala dinner
getting away from the laptops, let’s dance, eat, listen to music, and having fun
A very big huge thank you for:
- SEOAlgeria TEAM: Moatez, nassim, oussama
- Coachs: Azouaou, Chala, Belehcen, Gaoua,Bennet, Nicolas, FBrahimi …
- The other teams members: cyber-resto, avocat, nassim, ghiles, mustapha, …
- CSE Club members: karim, walid, walid, ayman, chouaib, nasrou, sana, FZ, mohamed, Minus,Nassima, malek, asma, zyneb, hani,…
- the best friends: Zoubir, Tahar, Halim…
- the event organizers: asma, Elyes, Elyes, Farid, mehdi…
- the special one: Wiwi..
- all the persons I met in #sdw: nafissa, hala, malek, yasmine, AISECERs, Eticiens
- the persons I forgot to mention above